Ph.D. Student Recruiting


Management Ph.D. Program

The Department of Management at the University of Kentucky is looking for bright, inquisitive individuals to join our Ph.D. Program in the Fall, 2023.

Our Program

We have a highly collaborative faculty and maintain a small doctoral program in order to ensure significant interactions between our students and faculty. Our program prepares graduates to be marketable for tenure-track positions in reputable research institutions as well as for long-term career success (recent students and alumni have published in outlets such as the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Annals, and Human Resource Management).

Our doctoral students receive a competitive stipend and a full tuition waiver for up to five years. We also provide generous resources for regular attendance at academic conferences. Students in our doctoral program typically do not teach until their third year and then only once per academic year in order to gain marketable teaching experience while focusing on coursework and research. More information about our program can be found at

Our Department

Our faculty with interests in micro-oriented organizational phenomena (Steve Borgatti, Dan Brass, Robert Krause, Ajay Mehra, Scott Soltis, Mikhail Wolfson, Susan Zhu) conduct research in areas such as networks, leadership, creativity and innovation, power/influence/politics, human resources, work teams, decision-making, and culture, among other topics.

Our faculty with interests in macro-oriented organizational phenomena (Wally Ferrier, Dan Halgin, Zhi Huang, Ji Youn Kim, Robert Krause, Ajay Mehra) conduct research in areas such as competitive behavior and competitive forbearance, corporate philanthropy, inter- and intra-organizational networks, organizational learning, innovation, technology entrepreneurship, organization design, organizational status, social cognition, and TMT decision making, among other topics.

The department is home to the LINKS Center, the preeminent center for the study of social networks in organizations. As a result, in addition to traditional Ph.D. coursework, doctoral students in our program develop expertise in network methods and theory via two seminar courses, a guest speaker program, hosting an annual workshop, and hosting a bi-annual small conference that attracts many of the top faculty in social network analysis from around the world. More information about the LINKS Center can be found at

Our faculty are well-regarded within the organizational research community, as evidenced by having over 100,000 combined citations, organizing recurring conferences and workshops, and by serving as editors and on the editorial boards of journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organization Science, Strategic Organization, and Personnel Psychology.

Our Placements


Applications and Inquiries

We will begin reviewing applications on a rolling basis. Inquiries about our program can be directed to Dan Halgin: